Adarsh Shrivastava 
Customer Care No. 9981704810

Submit your free/paid matrimonial bio-data & Photo

Option No. 1 Easy Submit by >    asthanet @

Option No. 2 Form
Your Personnel Profile:     Type carefully

  1. email (Type Carefully)

  2. Gender?
    Male Female
  3. Name

  4. Religion?
  5. Caste & Sub Caste?

    (Note: specifying a caste here, even if you're prepared to consider those outside your caste, may ensure better 
    response to you)
  6. Colour?
    Fair Very Fair Wheatish Wheatish Brown Dark
  7. Manglik status?
    Don't know Non Manglik Ansik Manglik Yes Manglik
  8. Marital status?
    Never married Widowed Divorced Separated Other
  9. Date Of Birth? Exampil 15.07.1980

  10. Height?    
  11. Body Type?
  12. Educational Qualification? (words no limit)

  13. Occupation & Income? (words no limit)

  14. Father, Occupation & Income? (words no limit)

  15. Mother Occupation & Income/Homely? (words no limit)

  16. Brother 1, 2, 3, Educations, Occupations, Marital Status? (words no limit)

  17. Sister 1, 2, 3, Educations, Occupations, Marital Status? (words no limit)

  18. Other Relative? (Name Address Grand Father/Mother Tau, Chacha, Mama & Other)  (words no limit)

  19. State of origin/mother tongue/ethnicity/native place?  (words no limit)
    Please select your original state (i.e., mother tongue), namely, whether you are a Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, etc., 
    even though you may be residing at another place. A correct selection is essential here since a search option is 
    based on this criteria.

  20. Name of City residing in within India?

  21. Name of City residing in Outside India (NRI)?

  22. Briefly give any other information about yourself that is not covered elsewhere in this form (physical 
    attributes, weight, your interests, the kind of person you are, family background, property, Horoscope Data, Time, Place, etc.): (words no limit)

  23. Briefly describe the qualities/qualifications you expected (Preference) :  (words no limit)

  24. Are you open to:
      Yes No
    1. Marrying outside your caste?
    1. Considering people who have been married earlier (divorced, widowed, etc.)?
    1. Marrying outside your religion?
  25. Address,(words no limit)

  26. Contact No. Phone, Mobile, (words no limit)

  27. Type carefully Confirm email id (words no limit)

  1. 100% Biodata & Advertisements Option?

  2. Relationship with the person whose profile is being input?*      

  3. Feedback Comments. (words no limit)

  4. How did you hear about

    Give Validation Number before Submitting the Form.


Help Line No. 9981704810 Adarsh Shrivastava